
Trial shows no benefits of dairy foods for blood sugar regulation

Results from a new trial published by a team led by researchers at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center suggests lower dairy intake may be beneficial for people with metabolic syndrome. In a new study published in the American ...


Mexican immigrant obesity rates climb with deportation fears

Mexican immigrants, especially those who are undocumented and fear deportation, have limited access to healthy foods and are at increased risk for obesity because of stress, anxiety and depression, according to a Rutgers ...


Triglycerides control neurons in the reward circuit

Energy-dense food, obesity and compulsive food intake bordering addiction: The scientific literature has been pointing to connections between these for years. Scientists at the CNRS and Université de Paris have just shown ...


Heart disease and diabetes: Is dairy fat different?

Dairy foods have been getting a lot of attention from researchers in recent years, notably from studies done both jointly and separately by scientists at Harvard and Tufts universities. They looked at the relationship between ...

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