Health informatics

Anti-science, partisan tweets could flag an outbreak

In the realm of social media, anti-science views about COVID-19 align so closely with political ideology—especially among conservatives—that its predictability offers a strategy to help protect public health, a new USC ...


Clustering helps unlock secrets of the human brain

Environmental science and neuroscience may seem poles apart as research endeavors, but both are underpinned by the need to analyze and interpret enormous datasets capturing complex spatio-temporal processes.

Sports medicine & Kinesiology

Monitoring muscles to improve athletic training

Elite athletes understand that to maximize performance, they can't only train hard during workouts—they must also train smart. Unfortunately, unless you're willing to live in a lab, it can be easier to get real-time information ...

Gerontology & Geriatrics

Digital myopia of nursing and geriatric care

The growing use of smart control and monitoring tools in nursing increasingly decouples it from ethical and moral considerations—this is the core thesis of a now internationally published analysis by a researcher at Karl ...

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