Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

AI-powered tool helps doctors detect rare diseases

In her first year at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, Katharina "Kat" Schmolly, MD, heard an old saying: "When you hear hoofbeats, think of horses, not zebras."

Health informatics

Applications of AI in medicine

Artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and deep learning (DL) are increasingly transforming the medical field by enhancing diagnostic accuracy, prognostic predictions, precision treatments, and operational efficiency ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Study: Women veterans at higher risk for repeat suicide attempts

In a new study, Oregon Health & Science University researchers find that women veterans who had recently attempted suicide were more likely than men to feel social rejection and betrayed by military institutions. They also ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Postpartum urinary incontinence linked to mental health

A UT Southwestern Medical Center study of hundreds of underserved women has shown that depression and anxiety, in addition to physical factors such as a higher body mass index and previous births, are associated with lingering ...

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