Psychology & Psychiatry

The brain system that stops worriers just going with the flow

(Medical Xpress)—Chronic worriers are more likely to use analytical thought processes when making decisions rather than relying on 'gut instincts', according to a new University of Sussex study published this week.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Why your best idea may be your second favorite

Michelangelo reportedly said the job of every sculptor is to discover the statue inside the stone, then work around it. Liberate the form.


Optimal evidence accumulation in decision-making

(Medical Xpress)—At the same settings and light conditions, a camera will take the same picture every time. In contrast, a brain does not make perfect reconstructions of a stimulus. It appears instead to accumulate evidence ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Music makes beer taste better

Music can influence how much you like the taste of beer, according to a study published in Frontiers in Psychology.

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