Psychology & Psychiatry

Declining intelligence in old age linked to visual processing

Researchers have uncovered one of the basic processes that may help to explain why some people's thinking skills decline in old age. Age-related declines in intelligence are strongly related to declines on a very simple task ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Money-savers focus attention—and eyes—on the prize

Why are some people able to patiently save for the future, while others opt for smaller amounts of money now? A new study from Duke University takes a close look at what drives "patient savers," and reaches some surprising ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Using biomarkers to identify and treat schizophrenia

In the current online issue of PLoS ONE, researchers at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine say they have identified a set of laboratory-based biomarkers that can be useful for understanding brain-based ...

Oncology & Cancer

AI harnesses tumor genetics to predict treatment response

In a study published in Cancer Discovery, scientists at University of California San Diego School of Medicine leveraged a machine learning algorithm to tackle one of the biggest challenges facing cancer researchers: predicting ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

With love from me to me: Why we self-gift

Do you put a little present under the Christmas tree for yourself? Is your birthday coming up and it practically coincides with the release of the new season's Jimmy Choos or latest electronic gadget. Will you give yourself ...

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