Psychology & Psychiatry

Can we learn to think further ahead?

Chess grandmasters are often held up as the epitome of thinking far ahead. But can others, with a modest amount of practice, learn to think further ahead?


'Second-guessing' is a hard-wired behavior, study suggests

Have you ever made a decision that in hindsight seemed irrational? A new study with mice, which could have implications for people, suggests that some decisions are—to a certain extent—beyond their control. Rather, the ...

Medical research

Exploring the role of AI in the ICU

Clinicians in an intensive care unit need to make complex decisions quickly and precisely, monitoring critically ill or unstable patients around the clock.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Infants outperform AI in 'commonsense psychology'

Infants outperform artificial intelligence in detecting what motivates other people's actions, finds a new study by a team of psychology and data science researchers. Its results, which highlight fundamental differences between ...


How the reward system in the brain processes risky decisions

The mechanisms underlying decision-making have been a long-standing focus of neuroscience research. But now, researchers from Japan have found new information about how the reward system in the brain processes risky decisions.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Too much motivation affects our decision-making

In a good or a bad mood, focused or distracted, our internal states directly influence our perceptions and decision-making. While the role of motivation on the performance of behavioral tasks has been known for more than ...

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