Medical research

'Darwinian' test uncovers an antidepressant's hidden toxicity

Because of undetected toxicity problems, about a third of prescription drugs approved in the U.S. are withdrawn from the market or require added warning labels limiting their use. An exceptionally sensitive toxicity test ...


Immune cells drive gallstone formation

Sticky meshworks of DNA and proteins extruded by white blood cells called neutrophils act as the glue that binds together calcium and cholesterol crystals during gallstone formation, researchers in Germany report August 15 ...


Scientists move closer to treatment for Huntington's disease

A new variant of the gene-editing CRISPR/Cas9 system is safer and more specific than versions previously used in early research towards a treatment for Huntington's disease, shows research published today in Frontiers in ...


Should patients stop taking Prozac when pregnant?

Women, and perhaps their doctors, may be concerned when they see reports of a study showing an association between taking fluoxetine, an antidepressant also known as Prozac, during pregnancy and birth defects in children.

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