
Care home dehydration tests don't work

Standard tests used to identify dehydration are not working for older people living in care homes—according to new research from the University of East Anglia.


Study finds a lack of adequate hydration among the elderly

Drinking enough water is a concern for everyone, but the elderly are particularly prone to underhydration and dehydration. A new UCLA School of Nursing study shows that these conditions are likely to be under-recognized, ...


Shorter sleep can lead to dehydration

Adults who sleep just six hours per night—as opposed to eight—may have a higher chance of being dehydrated, according to a study by Penn State.


European workers fail to hydrate properly

A newly published scientific paper indicates that occupational safety and daily day performance in seven out of 10 workers from several European industries are negatively affected by a combination of heat stress and failure ...


Drinking water may help exercising seniors stay mentally sharp

Older people should drink more water to reap the full cognitive benefits of exercise, new research suggests. The study, to be presented today at the American Physiological Society (APS) annual meeting at Experimental Biology ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Genetic mechanism prevents kidney injury after severe dehydration

Millions of people die every year from dehydration as a result of exposure and illness. In humans, even the most minor dehydration can compromise the kidneys causing lifelong, irreparable issues or even death. However, some ...

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