Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Neuronal cytoskeletons involved in Alzheimer's disease

A researcher at the UPV/EHU participated in a study describing the loss of dynamics and subsequent impairment of the dendritic spines in Alzheimer's disease. Dendritic spines are the compartments of neurons responsible for ...


Scientists tackle two distinct immunological disorders

In two recent studies, a team of scientists reports the mechanisms underlying two distinct immunological disorders affecting children and adults. Stephanie Humblet-Baron (VIB-KU Leuven) was the researcher at the helm of both ...


Study pinpoints what makes human neurons unique

Human neurons are much larger than those of model organisms mice and rats, so it's been unclear whether it's size that makes a difference in our brain's computational power. Now, in a study appearing October 18 in the journal ...


Stretch, inflammation and hypertension

Monocytes are known to play an important role in hypertension, although the exact mechanism remains unclear. It is hypothesized that a potential source of monocyte activation originates from its interaction with the vascular ...

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