
A new approach to analyzing the morphology of dendritic spines

Dendritic spines are small protrusions from a neuron's dendrite membrane, where contact with neighboring axons is formed to receive synaptic input. These spines have different sizes, shapes, and density. Changes in the characteristics ...


Unlocking the mysteries of the brain

A research team highlights the mechanisms underlying memory and learning capacity—specifically, how our brains process, store and integrate information.


Harnessing the microbiome to improve stroke recovery

Supplementing the body's short chain fatty acids can improve stroke recovery, according to research in mice recently published in JNeurosci. Short chain fatty acid supplementation may be a non-invasive addition to stroke ...


How brain cells pick which connections to keep

Brain cells, or neurons, constantly tinker with their circuit connections, a crucial feature that allows the brain to store and process information. While neurons frequently test out new potential partners through transient ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Neuronal cytoskeletons involved in Alzheimer's disease

A researcher at the UPV/EHU participated in a study describing the loss of dynamics and subsequent impairment of the dendritic spines in Alzheimer's disease. Dendritic spines are the compartments of neurons responsible for ...

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