Medical research

A step toward clarification of the mechanisms of osteoporosis

In the bones supporting our bodies, calcium regulation occurs by balancing the activities of osteoclasts, which are groups of cells that increase the calcium concentration in blood by destroying bone tissue, and osteoblasts, ...

Medical research

Process that turns 'good cholesterol' bad discovered

Cleveland Clinic researchers have discovered the process by which high-density lipoprotein (HDL) – the so-called "good cholesterol" – becomes dysfunctional, loses its cardio-protective properties, and instead promotes ...


How "good cholesterol" stops inflammation

High-density lipoprotein (HDL), known colloquially as "good cholesterol", protects against dangerous deposits in the arteries. An important function of HDL is its anti-inflammatory properties. An international research team ...


Study links vitamin D deficiency to accelerated aging of bones

Everyone knows that as we grow older our bones become more fragile. Now a team of U.S. and German scientists led by researchers with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)'s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) ...

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