
Physician-dentist collaboration recommended in diabetes care

(HealthDay)—Dentists are uniquely placed to identify patients with diabetes, and those with diabetes who are at risk for complications, according to an article published in the October issue of Clinical Diabetes.


Bleaching: A matter for dentists only

Teeth whitening, better known under the term "bleaching", is very fashionable these days – but should only be done by dentists. Andreas Moritz, head of the Bernhard Gottlieb University Dental Clinic of the MedUni Vienna, ...


Poor dental health impacting on Aboriginal mums

University of Adelaide researchers are calling for a greater sensitivity towards Aboriginal women in dental clinics and improved accessibility to dental care.


Researchers increase the success rate of tooth implants

Elderly or people with osteoporosis, smokers, diabetics or people who have had cancer are sometimes not eligible to receive dental implants as their bones are unable to correctly integrate the new prostheses which replace ...

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