Psychology & Psychiatry

Experiencing existential dread? Tylenol may do the trick

Thinking about death can cause us to feel a sort of existential angst that isn't attributable to a specific source. Now, new research suggests that acetaminophen, an over-the-counter pain medication, may help to reduce this ...


Cognitive behavior therapy can help overcome fear of the dentist

Cognitive behavioural therapy could help many people with a dental phobia overcome their fear of visiting the dentist and enable them to receive dental treatment without the need to be sedated, according to a new study by ...


Rainforest remedy could spell end of dental pain

(Medical Xpress) -- An ancient Incan toothache remedy – for centuries handed down among an indigenous people in the rainforests of Peru – could be on the cusp of revolutionising worldwide dental practice.


Orofacial pain fact and fiction

Patients looking for relief from the radiating pain of temporal mandibular disorders (TMDs) in the face, jaw or neck will find an avalanche of misinformation online—and surprisingly, a lot of it comes from dentists ...

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