
Why does my breath smell bad, and what can I do about it?

Most of us can't smell our own breath. If someone bravely informs you your breath smells, believe them, and do something about it. Or if you are worried you have bad breath, seek out a trusted opinion.


Bleaching: A matter for dentists only

Teeth whitening, better known under the term "bleaching", is very fashionable these days – but should only be done by dentists. Andreas Moritz, head of the Bernhard Gottlieb University Dental Clinic of the MedUni Vienna, ...


Charcoal and white teeth

Charcoal seems to be the latest thing—for cleansing your face and purifying your insides—and even brushing your teeth. But before you start using a charcoal-based toothpaste, it's best to realize that claims that it results ...


New research shows cheese may prevent cavities

Consuming dairy products is vital to maintaining good overall health, and it's especially important to bone health. But there has been little research about how dairy products affect oral health in particular. However, according ...


Spice allergy: Sugar and spice and everything not so nice

Imagine a world where you could never dine away from home, wear makeup, smell of sweet perfumes or eat a large percentage of food on store shelves. According to allergists at the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology ...


Myth that snuff users today have fewer dental caries

It is a myth that snus (Swedish snuff) users today have fewer dental caries. On the contrary, some types of nicotine-free snus contain both carbohydrates and starch that increase the risk of cavities. Those are the findings ...

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