Psychology & Psychiatry

Forgiving others protects women from depression, but not men

Forgiveness is a complex process, one often fraught with difficulty and angst. Now, researchers in the University of Missouri College of Human Environmental Sciences studied how different facets of forgiveness affected aging ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Men with 'low testosterone' have higher rates of depression

Researchers at the George Washington University (GW), led by Michael S. Irwig, M.D., found that men referred for tertiary care for borderline testosterone levels had much higher rates of depression and depressive symptoms ...

Sleep disorders

Sleep apnea linked to depression in men

Severe obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and excessive daytime sleepiness are associated with an increased risk of depression in men, according to a new community-based study of Australian men, which was presented at the 2015 ...


Most men with borderline testosterone levels may have depression

Men with borderline testosterone levels have higher rates of depression and depressive symptoms than the general population, new research finds. The results will be presented Saturday, March 7, at ENDO 2015, the annual meeting ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Depression predicts subsequent computer use in young men

(HealthDay)—For young men, but not women, symptoms of depression at age 20 years predict subsequent computer use, according to a study published in the March issue of Preventive Medicine.

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