Psychology & Psychiatry

Depression history written in the reactions of the brain

Scientists have found that the more severely patients have been hit by depression across their lifespan, the less they react emotionally to negative faces during current depression. The researchers are now working to understand ...


More health benefits from living in a greener environment

Evidence is growing that living in areas of high greenness, surrounded by trees, shrubs and other vegetation, has beneficial effects on human health. Researchers at the University of Louisville's Christina Lee Brown Envirome ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Depression and insomnia should be treated individually

A common belief that insomnia is a secondary symptom of depression when they co-occur is not supported by scientific evidence, and doctors should direct targeted diagnostic and treatment attention to both disorders, according ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Prodromal symptoms in depression

Appraisal of prodromal symptoms of unipolar depression may complement the traditional cross-sectional approach and provide a longitudinal perspective, according to a staging model of the illness. The gola of this study was ...

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