
Researchers create mutant mice to study bipolar disorder

Bipolar disorder (BD) is a debilitating condition characterized by alternating states of depression (known as depressive episodes) and abnormal excitement or irritability (known as manic episodes). Large-scale genome-wide ...


Prefer dry heat to arctic chill? Genetics might be the reason

(Medical Xpress)—While people in the East and Midwest have been suffering through an intense cold system drifting in from the Arctic, those in the Southwest have been enjoying beautiful, warm weather – and rubbing it ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Emotion-processing networks disrupted in sufferers of depression

Regions of the brain that normally work together to process emotion become decoupled in people who experience multiple episodes of depression, neuroscientists report. The findings may help identify which patients will benefit ...


Alcohol abusers' depression often related to drinking

For problem drinkers, bouts of depressive symptoms are often the direct result of their heavy alcohol intake, according to a study in the March issue of the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs.

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