
How can the metaverse improve public health?

The "metaverse" has captured the public imagination as a world of limitless possibilities that can influence all aspects of life. Discussions about the utility of completely immersible virtual environments were initially ...


Study suggests the brain works like a resonance chamber

Researchers at the Champalimaud Foundation and the University of Minho, in Portugal, have found evidence of resonant waves in rat brain activity using ultrafast and ultrahigh field magnetic resonance imaging. Their work demonstrates ...


Neighborhood walkability linked to risk of gestational diabetes

A new study by scientists in the Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health's Built Environment and Health Research Group finds that higher neighborhood walkability is associated with lower risk of gestational diabetes ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Does practicing gratitude help us to be less stressed?

Researchers from Irish universities have carried out a study with 68 adults and found that gratitude has a unique stress-buffering effect on both reactions to and recovery from acute psychological stress. This effect can ...

Medical research

Simple spray could keep COVID away

What if preventing respiratory illnesses such as COVID-19 and influenza could be as easy as a quick spritz of nasal spray every morning?

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