Psychology & Psychiatry

Discrimination during pregnancy can affect infant's brain circuitry

Experiences of discrimination and acculturation are known to have a detrimental effect on a person's health. For pregnant women, these painful experiences can also affect the brain circuitry of their children, a new study ...


Concussions early in life tied to late life cognitive decline

A study of twins shows that having a concussion early in life is tied to having lower scores on tests of thinking and memory skills decades later as well as having more rapid decline in those scores than twins who did not ...

Arthritis & Rheumatism

Knee pain? Genicular artery embolization can offer relief

Of all the joints in the body, the knees get the most wear and tear. Decades of walking, running, sitting, jumping and other activities can take a toll on the cartilage—the smooth tissue between the bones—leading to osteoarthritis. ...

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