Psychology & Psychiatry

How to scale up mental health care

Scaling up mental health services in developing countries is an essential part of any plan to improve mental health worldwide. However recent data suggests while 1 in 3 people with a mental health problem in wealthy nations ...


Quicker testing for viral infections saves money and lives

A new method for quickly identifying individual viruses and recognising how they bind to host cells may become a vital tool in the early control of winter vomiting disease and other virus-based diseases. In the west, this ...


How do you bring health care to the poor?

If you want to provide poor people in developing countries with decent health care, you need to overcome several barriers at the same time. That is the conclusion of researcher Bart Jacobs, based on years of research in Cambodia ...


Soviet-era pill from Bulgaria helps smokers quit

(AP) -- A pill developed in Bulgaria during the Soviet era shows promise for helping millions of smokers cheaply and safely kick the habit, the first big study of it shows.

Oncology & Cancer

Unequal access to cancer care can no longer be tolerated

Cancer is one of the leading causes of death and morbidity worldwide, and its economic burden grows year by year. In 2008, the worldwide cost of cancer due to premature death and disability, excluding direct medical costs, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

New research shows mental illness common, linked to heart disease

(Medical Xpress) -- Mental illnesses -- led by anxiety disorders and depression -- now affect one-quarter of the US population according to new research. In Europe a similar proportion -- about 27 percent -- suffers from ...

Oncology & Cancer

Expert: Cancer rates show it's time for a global asbestos ban

The use of asbestos building materials in developing countries results in millions of preventable cancer cases, a University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health epidemiologist reports in the coming issue of ...

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