Psychology & Psychiatry

People have powerful appeal in photos

(Medical Xpress) -- College students looking at photographs spent more time gazing at the people in the pictures than the surrounding elements, even when those people were quite small or not centrally located, according to ...


Gene discovered for Weaver syndrome

Scientists have found a gene that causes Weaver syndrome, a rare genetic disorder that typically causes large size at birth, tall stature, developmental delay during childhood, and intellectual disability. Published today ...


MRI scans could improve our understanding of dyspraxia

A new research team at The University of Nottingham is using MRI scanning to learn more about the role of the cerebellum in Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) – the motor skills disorder also known as Dyspraxia.

Psychology & Psychiatry

From melody to language: Speech development in babies

In the first few months of their lives, babies cry, babble, gurgle and make a variety of other peculiar sounds. It can be difficult to imagine that they are actually laying the foundations for later speech with these utterances. ...

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