Psychology & Psychiatry

Teens' technology use and mental health: New report released

With or without physical separation due to COVID-19, youth are using social media to connect and support each other, according to a report released today. Three leading researchers have just published Youth Connections for ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Live better with attainable goals

Those who set realistic goals can hope for a higher level of well-being. The key for later satisfaction is whether their life goals are seen as attainable and what they mean to the person, as psychologists from the University ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Psychology's diversity problem

Lack of diversity in psychological research is a serious problem that needs to be addressed, according to an Australian academic.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Childrens' decision making—Rules of thumb are learned with time

Children as young as nine years old use rules of thumb systematically when making decisions. But they are not as good as older children at telling when it is helpful to do so. Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Human ...

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