Psychology & Psychiatry

The How-to Parenting Program improves the mental health of children

While children of all ages will be heading back to school in a few days, a new study from the Université de Montréal may encourage their parents to return to the classroom themselves ... at least for a few evenings! The ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Young children may go above and beyond when helping adults

Even very young children understand that adults don't always know best. When it comes to helping, 3-year-olds may ignore an adult's specific request for an unhelpful item and go out of their way to bring something more useful, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Kids' language often misleads in testimony

(Medical Xpress) -- Children often use language differently than adults when referring to a person or thing, which can result in misleading testimony, according to a new Cornell study.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Developmental psychology: Little strategists

Sharing with others and getting something back: Preschoolers expect someone who has benefitted from their generosity to reciprocate when an opportunity arises to do so.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Can a computer teach babies to count?

When Jinjing Jenny Wang embarked on a two-year study to determine whether infants experience any cognitive benefits from watching someone count out loud on screen instead of in person, she had already seen what affect such ...

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