Psychology & Psychiatry

The How-to Parenting Program improves the mental health of children

While children of all ages will be heading back to school in a few days, a new study from the Université de Montréal may encourage their parents to return to the classroom themselves ... at least for a few evenings! The ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Preschoolers know good vs. bad sources of info

(Medical Xpress)—Young children are not like sponges just soaking up information. They can actively evaluate what people know and go to the "experts" for information they want, reports a Cornell study published in a special ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Young children may go above and beyond when helping adults

Even very young children understand that adults don't always know best. When it comes to helping, 3-year-olds may ignore an adult's specific request for an unhelpful item and go out of their way to bring something more useful, ...


Could baby's tummy bacteria help spur colic?

(HealthDay)— Colic is a common problem for babies, and new research may finally provide clues to its cause: A small study found that infants with colic seemed to develop certain intestinal bacteria later than those without ...

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