Biomedical technology

Rapid, at-home prototype saliva test that's as good as RT-PCR

At-home COVID-19 tests have become an easy way to self-diagnose. But current tests have drawbacks, such as the length of time it takes to get an answer, or how accurately the test can identify a positive case. And most of ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Using smartphones could help improve memory skills

Using digital devices such as smartphones could help improve memory skills, rather than causing people to become lazy or forgetful, finds a new study led by UCL researchers.

Medical research

Microparticles could be used to deliver 'self-boosting' vaccines

Most vaccines, from measles to COVID-19, require a series of multiple shots before the recipient is considered fully vaccinated. To make that easier to achieve, MIT researchers have developed microparticles that can be tuned ...

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