Psychology & Psychiatry

Finland managed to halve its suicide rate—here's how

The end of the 20th century was a particularly grim period for Finland. Suicide rates were among the highest in the world, peaking in 1990 with over 30 deaths per 100,000 citizens, compared with a European average of ten ...


Wearable tech captures real-time hemodynamics on the go

Researchers have developed a photoacoustic imaging watch for high-resolution imaging of blood vessels in the skin. The wearable device could offer a non-invasive way to monitor hemodynamic indicators such as heart rate, blood ...


A health care device for tracking chronic diabetic wounds

A KAIST research team has developed an effective wireless system that monitors the wound healing process by tracking the spatiotemporal temperature changes and heat transfer characteristics of damaged areas such as diabetic ...


Tattoo regret? How to choose a removal service

About one in four people regret at least one of their tattoos. Almost half of those go on to have their unwanted tattoo removed or camouflaged with a new one.

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