Medical research

Amino acid with promising anti-diabetic effects

New experiments conducted by researchers from the University of Copenhagen show that the amino acid arginine – found in a wide variety of foods such as salmon, eggs and nuts – greatly improves the body's ability to metabolise ...


Type 1 diabetes: Can insulin-producing cells be regenerated?

(Medical Xpress)—Patrick Collombat, Inserm Research Director and head of the Avenir team at the Institut de Biologie Valrose in Nice, has published new results concerning Type I diabetes. Researchers show that, in mice, ...

Inflammatory disorders

Cocoa may help fight obesity-related inflammation

(Medical Xpress)—A few cups of hot cocoa may not only fight off the chill of a winter's day, but they could also help obese people better control inflammation-related diseases, such as diabetes, according to Penn State ...


Protein block stops vascular damage in diabetes

Researchers at Lund University in Sweden have discovered how to stop the destructive process that leads to cardiovascular disease in diabetic laboratory animals.

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