
Diet soda may be hurting your diet

Artificial sweeteners are everywhere, but the jury is still out on whether these chemicals are harmless. Also called non-nutritive sweeteners, these can be synthetic – such as saccharin and aspartame – or naturally derived, ...


Aspartame and cancer: A nutritionist's perspective

This week, the World Health Organization announced that aspartame—the chemical that gives products like Diet Coke their distinctly sweet flavor—has been added to its list of potential carcinogens.


Soda and illegal drugs cause similar damage to teeth

Addicted to soda? You may be shocked to learn that drinking large quantities of your favorite carbonated soda could be as damaging to your teeth as methamphetamine and crack cocaine use. The consumption of illegal drugs and ...


Black students drink more soda when available at school

The availability of sugar-sweetened or diet soda in schools does not appear to be related to students' overall consumption, except for African-American students, who drink more soda when it's available at school, finds a ...


'Diet foods' to skip

(HealthDay)—Certain packaged foods marketed as "lite" or "diet" versions may not be helping your weight-loss efforts or your goal to eat healthier.

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