
Are ultra-processed foods harmful? Experts weigh the evidence

Dietary guidelines form the basis for nutrition advice and regulations around the world. While there is strong scientific consensus around most existing guidelines, one question has recently stirred debate: Should consumers ...


Confused about what to eat? Science can help

Do you feel like nutritionists are always changing their minds? Do you want science-based information about diet but don't know whom or what to believe?


US advisory group makes recommendations on diet

A U.S. government advisory panel of medical and nutrition experts on Thursday recommended an environmentally friendly diet lower in red and processed meats. But the panel would reverse previous guidance on limiting dietary ...


Nutrition can reduce respiratory tract infections in children

As yet, there is no effective remedy for young children (aged one to four) with recurrent respiratory tract infections. The children cough, have a fever or blocked nose, or catch colds more often than average. This often ...

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