Medical research

Proteins linked to longevity may be involved in mood control

(Medical Xpress) -- Over the past decade, MIT biologist Leonard Guarente and others have shown that very-low-calorie diets provoke a comprehensive physiological response that promotes survival, all orchestrated by a set of ...

Medical research

Is the 'longevity gene' nearing the end of its life?

Sirtuins, proteins believed to significantly increase lifespan in a number of organisms – and the claimed target of some anti-ageing creams – do not, in fact, affect animal longevity, according to new research funded ...

Medical research

Does dietary restriction protect against age-related leaky gut?

Flies eating a Spartan diet are protected from leaky gut and the systemic inflammation associated with it as they age. Conversely, flies on a rich Atkins-like diet are more prone to developing intestinal permeability, a condition ...

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