Medical research

New machine simulates human digestion to improve nutrition

How do humans digest food? It's a complicated question, with no easy answer. But in a food engineering lab at UC Davis, a mechanical digestive system is churning out information that may help solve the age-old mystery.


How the stomach talks to the brain

We eat because we're hungry – and for a thousand other reasons too: for pleasure, out of frustration, or because we're stressed. We've known for a long time that the digestive tract and the brain together determine our ...


Gut bacteria differ between obese and lean youth

Children and teenagers who are obese have different microorganisms living in the digestive tract than their lean counterparts, according to a new study published in the Endocrine Society's Journal of Clinical Endocrinology ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

A new lead in the quest to understand Alzheimer's

A consortium of European researchers is pursuing a new and unexpected lead in Alzheimer's research. They are examining the intestinal microbiome and its effect on neurodegeneration. EPFL is coordinating the consortium, which ...


FDA orders safety studies from scope manufacturers

Federal health authorities are ordering manufacturers of specialized medical scopes to study how the reusable devices are cleaned following a series of life-threatening bacterial outbreaks at U.S. hospitals.

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