
Technology should be used to boost empathy-based medicine

Existing digital technologies must be exploited to enable a paradigm shift in current healthcare delivery which focuses on tests, treatments and targets rather than the therapeutic benefits of empathy. Writing in the Journal ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

How technology use affects at-risk adolescents

More use of technology is linked to later increases in attention, behavior and self-regulation problems for adolescents already at risk for mental health issues, a new study from Duke University finds.


Latinos face digital divide in health care

When considering Latinos, educators often struggle with how to close the achievement gap. That gap is often defined as a disparity in academic success between native English speakers and those for whom Spanish was their first ...


Software can make dental implants faster and cheaper

There are several ways to manage a patient who is missing teeth, but some are better than others. Dental implants are high on the list of solutions, but they can be expensive and difficult to install. If those issues could ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Opinion: Are kids getting addicted to technology?

Are toddlers really becoming addicted to technology? There's certainly a lot of media hype to suggest that they are. And there's no question the footage of small children breaking down when their tablet is taken away is unsettling.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Concern over claims about how technology affects young brains

Claims by Susan Greenfield, a senior research fellow at Lincoln College Oxford, that intense use of the internet and computer games can harm the adolescent brain are not backed by current scientific evidence, warn experts ...

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