Medical research

The veins in your brain don't all act the same

Certain blood vessels in the brainstem constrict when blood vessels elsewhere in the body would dilate. And that contrary behavior is what keeps us breathing, according to a new paper by UConn researchers published May 8 ...


New clues to lung-scarring disease may aid treatment

Scientists at Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) and the Translational Genomics Research Institute (TGen) in Phoenix, Arizona, have discovered previously unreported genetic and cellular changes that occur in the ...


Air pollution exposure may cause heart attack within an hour

Exposure to air pollutants—even at levels below World Health Organization air quality guidelines—may trigger a heart attack within the hour, according to a new study from China that found the risks were highest among ...


A user's guide to keeping your lungs healthy and functional

Take a deep breath in. Now, slowly, let it out. This simple activity is something we do all day long and seldom think about. But our lives depend on it. Every cell in the body needs oxygen, which is in the air we breathe.


EU bans additive used in sweets and cakes

EU member states on Friday agreed to ban a widely used coloring additive for food, known as the artificial coloring E171 on labels, after the European regulator questioned its safety.

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