Oncology & Cancer

3D bioprinting platform replicates patient-specific tumors

Bowel cancer patients could in the future benefit from a new 3D bioprinting technology which would use their own cells to replicate the complex cellular environment of solid tumors in 3D models. The University of Bristol-led ...

Medical research

Repurposing finds new uses for old medicines

Medicines that have been approved to medicate one ailment are being repurposed to treat others, saving lives and giving fresh hope to millions saddled with disease.


Pin-prick blood test identifies immunity to COVID-19

A finger-prick blood test can identify people most at risk of being reinfected with COVID-19. The simple test, developed by a small biotech firm based in Cardiff (ImmunoServ Ltd) in close collaboration with Cardiff University ...


Silencing gut pain without pain killers

Surgically removing specific populations of sensory nerves that communicate between internal organs, such as the bladder and gut, and the brain, can silence pain responses, without impacting other functions in the body, new ...

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