Medical research

New insight into dying cells in Parkinson's disease

When a patient experiences the first symptoms of Parkinson's disease, the disease has been developing for a long time, and the patient may have already lost half of a specific type of nerve cells in the brain.

Medical research

Gut bacteria are crucial for liver repair, finds study

When parts of the liver are removed, the body can replace the missing tissue. A team of researchers at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) has now discovered that the success of this process depends to a large extent ...

Oncology & Cancer

Missing molecule hobbles cell movement

Cells missing a certain protein on their surface can't move normally, UConn researchers report in Science Signaling. The research could give insight into how cells move and repair wounds in normal tissue, as well as how cancer ...

Medical research

Magnetically levitated tissues could speed toxicity tests

In a development that could lead to faster and more effective toxicity tests for airborne chemicals, scientists from Rice University and the Rice spinoff company Nano3D Biosciences have used magnetic levitation to grow some ...

Medical research

Researchers recreate the adrenal gland in a petri dish

Sitting atop the kidneys, the adrenal gland plays a pivotal role in maintaining a healthy body. Responding to signals from the brain, the gland secretes hormones that support critical functions like blood pressure, metabolism, ...

Oncology & Cancer

Research aims to starve breast cancer cells

The most common breast cancer uses the most efficient, powerful food delivery system known in human cells and blocking that system kills it, researchers report.

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