Psychology & Psychiatry

Dealing with difficult colleagues—when the problem is the doctor

In the current issue of Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics a topic that is seldom discussed in medical journals is analyzed. Current health care requires effective collaboration among providers. Poor communication may lead ...


Scheduled feeding improves neurodegenerative symptoms in mice

Restricting meals to the same time each day improves motor activity and sleep quality in a mouse model of Huntington's disease, according to new research published in eNeuro. These findings suggest that eating on a strict ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Sleep problem linked to changes in hallmark Alzheimer's protein

Researchers in the US have found a link between the sleep disorder, obstructive sleep apnoea, and levels of a protein involved in Alzheimer's disease. Their findings are published today in the American Journal of Respiratory ...


Kids uniquely vulnerable to sleep disruption from electronics

With their brains, sleep patterns and even eyes still developing, children and adolescents are particularly vulnerable to the sleep-disrupting effects of screen time, according to a sweeping review of the literature published ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

For boys at risk of psychopathy, laughter isn't so contagious

For most people, laughter is highly contagious. It's nearly impossible to hear or see someone laughing and not feel the urge to join in. But researchers reporting in Current Biology on September 28 have new evidence to show ...

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