Psychology & Psychiatry

Distraction from negative feelings linked to improved problem solving

(Medical Xpress) -- Brooding, or excessive rumination over negative feelings, is known to interfere with important problem-solving abilities, while immediate distraction from those feelings can increase problem-solving capacity, ...


Video games positively impact variety of health outcomes

(HealthDay) -- Although additional rigorous clinical trials are warranted, the literature suggests that video games can be useful in improving a variety of health outcomes, particularly those in the areas of psychological ...

Medical research

Student engineers automate limb lengthening for kids

Another day, another four turns of the screw. That's just a part of life for people, primarily children, undergoing the long and difficult process of distraction osteogenesis, a method to correct bone deformities that leave ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Young infants' imitation not guided by rational thinking

In a widely noticed study, developmental psychologists reported that 14-month-old infants imitate an unusual action if it was chosen deliberately by the person they observed, but not if it could be attributed to external ...

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