Medical research

Student engineers automate limb lengthening for kids

Another day, another four turns of the screw. That's just a part of life for people, primarily children, undergoing the long and difficult process of distraction osteogenesis, a method to correct bone deformities that leave ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Young infants' imitation not guided by rational thinking

In a widely noticed study, developmental psychologists reported that 14-month-old infants imitate an unusual action if it was chosen deliberately by the person they observed, but not if it could be attributed to external ...


How our brains keep us focused

In a new study to appear in Neuron, scientists at the RIKEN Brain Science Institute (BSI) have uncovered mechanisms that help our brain to focus by efficiently routing only relevant information to perceptual brain regions. ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Infants trained to concentrate show added benefits

Although parents may have a hard time believing it, even infants can be trained to improve their concentration skills. What's more, training babies in this way leads to improvements on other, unrelated tasks.


Consumer Health: Dealing with constipation

Nearly everyone deals with constipation at one time or another. About 16 in 100 adults, and 33 in 100 adults over 60, have symptoms of constipation, according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney ...


Targeted brain stimulation dulls social pain

Pairing brain stimulation with an emotion management technique blunts negative emotions, according to research recently published in JNeurosci. The combination may improve emotional regulation in people with psychiatric disorders.


Program helps teens 'get the message' about distracted driving

A program to educate teens about distracted driving—including a tour of a hospital trauma center and testimony from a trauma survivor—can increase awareness of the dangers of texting, cell phone use, and other distractions ...

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