
How much attention do drivers need to pay?

If it were possible to determine exactly what constitutes inattention while driving, it might be possible to detect inattention before bad things happen. That's critically important in light of advances in automated transportation ...


Skill set key to sticking to a healthy diet

Executive functions are psychological skills we use to achieve goals – for example planning actions in advance, solving problems and ignoring distractions.  People with less efficient 'executive functions' are less able ...


Parents part of problem in distracted teen driving, study finds

WASHINGTON –- Parents play a direct role in distracted teen driving, with more than half of teens talking on cellphones with their mother or father while driving, according to new research presented at the American Psychological ...


Many parents multi-task while driving kids

Many parents are putting their precious cargo at risk while driving, according to survey results that will be presented May 5 and 6 at the Pediatric Academic Societies (PAS) annual meeting in Washington, DC.


Mothers often distracted during breast and bottle feeding

As innovation expands the accessibility of technology, the potential for distraction increases as well. A new study published in the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior assesses the level and type of distractions ...


Program helps teens 'get the message' about distracted driving

A program to educate teens about distracted driving—including a tour of a hospital trauma center and testimony from a trauma survivor—can increase awareness of the dangers of texting, cell phone use, and other distractions ...

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