
US to allow morning-after pill for girls of any age

The Obama administration said Monday it would comply with a judge's order to allow women and girls of any age to purchase emergency contraception, ending its efforts to restrict the drug's availability.


US Justice Department appeals morning-after case

(AP)—The Obama administration appealed a federal judge's order to lift all age limits on who can buy morning-after birth control pills without a prescription. In appealing the ruling on Wednesday, the administration recommitted ...


Obama faces choice on morning-after pill limits

(AP)—President Barack Obama supports requiring girls younger than 17 to see a doctor before buying the morning-after pill to help prevent unwanted pregnancies. But fighting that battle in court, after a new decision makes ...


US judge seeks go-ahead in abortion case

(AP)—A Nevada state judge says he's got authority to order an abortion for a pregnant 32-year-old mentally disabled woman, even against the will of her Catholic adoptive parents.


Fed judge considers if pharmacies must sell Plan B

(AP) -- A federal judge is considering whether Washington state can require pharmacies to stock and sell Plan B or other emergency contraceptives, even in the face of religious objections by druggists who believe they destroy ...

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