Medical research

Many patients are given unnecessary care. Here's why

Caregivers want patients to feel cared for. This, according to a new doctoral thesis from Karolinska Institutet, is one reason why they still give treatments that provide no benefit.

Health informatics

AI camera could help doctors identify serious infections

It might soon be possible to measure a patient's pulse, breathing, and blood pressure simply by scanning their face. This technology could offer a future tool for quickly assessing the severity of acute infection and other ...

Oncology & Cancer

Better cancer diagnosis thanks to digital 3D images

It all started with an innocuous question at the start of Francesca Catto's doctoral thesis: Wouldn't it be nice if tissue samples could be colored and digitally displayed as a 3D image? For more than 100 years, histology, ...


Light can be used to examine the lungs of premature babies

Premature babies have a hard time getting the oxygen they need as their lungs are not sufficiently developed. Today you can only use X-rays to see how much air babies' lungs contain, but, according to research from Lund University ...

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