
Mother brought back to life the day she gave birth

Jessica Grib noticed being a lot more tired with her second pregnancy. She felt winded easily and couldn't catch her breath when lying down. Near her delivery date, she started having issues with high blood pressure. At 36 ...


Are you overdoing antibiotics?

(HealthDay)—Antibiotics are life-savers. But they're being overprescribed and overused, leading to antibiotic-resistant germs stronger than the drugs available to treat them.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Herbal treatment for anxiety

Several herbal remedies have been studied as a treatment for anxiety, but more research is needed to understand the risks and benefits. Here's what we know—and don't know:


New understanding of mysterious 'hereditary swelling'

For the first time ever, biomedical researchers from Aarhus University, Denmark, report cellular defects that lead to a rare disease, hereditary angioedema (HAE), in which patients experience recurrent episodes of swelling ...

Oncology & Cancer

Researcher urges caution on AI in mammography

Analyzing breast-cancer tumors with artificial intelligence has the potential to improve healthcare efficiency and outcomes. But doctors should proceed cautiously, because similar technological leaps previously led to higher ...


Many doctors don't urge HPV shots for preteens, study says

Many pediatricians and family doctors are not strongly recommending the cancer-preventing HPV vaccine to preteens and their parents, contributing to low vaccination rates, a survey of nearly 600 doctors suggests.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Women's wellness: Tips for guiding girls to a healthy body image

Girls often face significant pressure to look attractive. The quest for a perfect body or appearance can take a heavy toll, though. Find out what you can do to help young girls develop and maintain a healthy body image and ...

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