Canada lifts ban on gay men donating blood

Canadian health authorities lifted Wednesday what was effectively a ban on gay men giving blood, announcing new rules making men who have not had sex with men in the past five years eligible.


Green light for new Red Cross app

It's well known that blood donors perform a vital, life-saving community service, but for some, regular blood donation is an important part of staying healthy.


Blood salvage technology could transform surgery

Having received approval for sale in Europe and Canada, HemoSep is set to revolutionise the healthcare sector. HemoSep is a revolutionary surgical blood salvage technology which was developed at the University of Strathclyde, ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Small study: Drug may help stabilize Alzheimer's

For the first time, researchers are reporting that a treatment might help stabilize Alzheimer's disease for as much as three years, although the evidence is weak and found in only four patients.


21st century bloodletting reduces cardiovascular risk

It seems that while the practice of bloodletting throughout history had little or no effect on most diseases, and the practice was abandoned in the 19th century, new research published in BioMed Central's open access journal ...

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