Medical research

Human trials of manufactured blood within two years

The first human trials of lab-produced blood to help create better-matched blood for patients with complex blood conditions has been announced by NHS Blood and Transplant. Research led by scientists at the University of Bristol ...


Three ethical ways to increase organ donation in Australia

Australia's organ donation levels are low by international standards. At least twenty countries achieve better donation rates than Australia's 16.1 donors per million population (DPMP), including Belgium (29.9 DPMP), the ...


FDA releases plan to ease restrictions on gay blood donation

The Food and Drug Administration is outlining its plan to end the nation's lifetime ban on blood donations from gay and bisexual men, a 32-year-old policy that many medical groups and gay activists say is no longer justified.


Tragic newborn was UK's youngest organ donor

A newborn baby who died after just 100 minutes became Britain's youngest organ donor after his kidneys and heart valves were given to adult patients, the National Health Service (NHS) said Thursday.

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