Medical research

Researchers find no evidence that sperm counts are dropping

The widely held view that sperm counts in men are dropping around the world may be wrong, according to a new study by University of Manchester, Queen's University in Kingston, Canada and Cryos International, Denmark.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Can an organ transplant really change someone's personality?

Changes in personality following a heart transplant have been noted pretty much ever since transplants began. In one case, a person who hated classical music developed a passion for the genre after receiving a musician's ...


Pasteurized donor milk may lose essential hormones

Pre-term babies consuming donor breast milk may be missing out on important hormones, such as melatonin, which are crucial for healthy infant development according to La Trobe University research.

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A donor in general is a person that donates something voluntarily. Usually used to represent a form of pure altruism but sometimes used when the payment for a service is recognised by all parties as representing less than the value of the donation and that the motivation is altruistic. In business law, a donor is someone who is giving the gift, and a donee the person receiving the gift.

Often the word is used as a short for:

In literature:

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