
Why diverse organ donors are needed

In the U.S., 17 people die every day while waiting for an organ transplant. Dr. Shennen Mao, a Mayo Clinic transplant surgeon, says having a diverse pool of organ donors will help serve a growing wait list of those in need.


In historic procedure, donor liver protects heart transplant

Doctors in Seattle are reporting a history-making case in which a patient received two donor organs, a liver and a heart, to prevent the extreme likelihood that her body would reject a donor heart transplanted alone. In this ...


Clinical trial suggests paradigm shift for lung transplantation

Storing donor lungs for transplant at 10 degrees Celsius markedly increases the length of time the organ can live outside the body according to research led by a team of scientists at the Toronto Lung Transplant Program in ...


Consumer Health: The truth about organ donation

April is National Donate Life Month. This annual observation raises awareness about donation, encourages people to register as donors and honors those who have saved lives through the gift of donation.

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