Psychology & Psychiatry

New study reveals why we value things more when they cost us more

Ahab hunting down Moby Dick. Wile E. Coyote chasing the Road Runner. Learning Latin. Walking over hot coals. Standing in a long line for boba tea or entrance to a small, overpriced clothing retail store. Forking up for luxury ...


New study uncovers the underlying complexity of brain synapses

A new study published in Cell is reshaping our understanding of the fundamental building blocks of the brain, the proteins that are present at synapses. Titled "The proteomic landscape of synaptic diversity across brain regions ...


A wave theory for explaining neurochemical balance in the brain

In a new study, a group of researchers led by Dr. Joshua Goldberg from the Hebrew University describe a new kind of neurochemical wave in the brain. Their research, published in Nature Communications, unveils the existence ...

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