
Drinking red wine for heart health? read this before you toast

For years, studies have shown a relationship between drinking a moderate amount of red wine and good heart health, but experts say it's important to understand what that means before you prescribe yourself a glass or two ...


Drinking and your health: A reality check

(HealthDay)—The Mediterranean diet consistently tops the list of food plans that convey health benefits, and one reason many people like it is that it allows moderate amounts of red wine. But there's no definitive proof ...


Wine is good for you—to a point

The Mediterranean diet has become synonymous with healthy eating, but there's one thing in it that stands out: It's cool to drink wine.


How much alcohol is really OK?

(HealthDay)—All the good news/bad news studies about alcohol can leave you confused. But research suggests that you still need to keep moderation in mind when you raise a glass.


Is drinking wine one secret to a happy marriage?

It appears wine itself might be worthy of a toast. Wine, it turns out, could be one ingredient for a happy marriage, according to a recent report in The Journals of Gerontology.


France allows employers to ban wine in offices

The traditional Gallic "pot"—a convivial office drinks party—may be a thing of the past after the French government on Thursday allowed employers to ban wine from the workplace.

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