Psychology & Psychiatry

How the shape and size of your face relates to your sexuality

Men and women with shorter, wider faces tend to be more sexually motivated and to have a stronger sex drive than those with faces of other dimensions. These are the findings from a study led by Steven Arnocky of Nipissing ...

Medical research

Paracetamol during pregnancy can inhibit masculinity

Paracetamol is popular for relieving pain. But if you are pregnant, you should think twice before popping these pills according to the researchers in a new study. In an animal model, Paracetamol, which is the pain-relieving ...


How NOT to nod off behind the wheel

(HealthDay)—At least one in five fatal motor vehicle accidents involves drowsy driving, U.S. traffic safety experts say. So it's vital that you recognize when you're sleepy behind the wheel.


Professor behind designated drivers takes on distracted ones

A Harvard University professor who introduced Americans to the concept of designated drivers to deter drunken driving is now taking on the deadly problem of motorists distracted by cellphones and other electronics.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Teens drive more safely in the months after a crash

Teens' risky driving drops considerably in the two months following a serious collision, according to new research published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science. The research, ...

Autism spectrum disorders

Researchers seek ways to assist drivers with autism

The University of Virginia Health System is teaming with the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute to study novice drivers with autism to determine if they would benefit from specialized training to help them become better, ...


Older drivers steer their way to safer conditions

Older drivers at risk of crashes are ready to avoid potentially dangerous situations like peak hour and night-time travel after taking a safe driving program targeting their age group, according to a Western Sydney University ...

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