Psychology & Psychiatry

A new psychotherapeutic approach to tretament-resistant PTSD

Veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) tend to benefit less from evidence-based treatments than other PTSD populations. A novel intervention, multi-modular motion-assisted memory desensitization and reconsolidation ...


Language matters when describing weight loss goals

Obesity affects millions of individuals worldwide and is associated with a significantly increased risk for cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. A study publishing June 16th in the open access journal PLOS Digital Health ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Psychologists tackle youth sport drop-out rates

Psychologists from the University of Stirling have developed an innovative intervention to arrest the youth drop-out rate in Ireland's biggest sporting organisation.

Health dropout trend continues under Trump

Continuing a dropout trend seen in the Obama years, about 16 percent of consumers who signed up for coverage this year through public health insurance markets had canceled their plans by early spring, the government said ...


Self-understanding helps criminal substance abusers

Impulsiveness, crime and problems with social interaction. Many substance abusers also struggle with antisocial personality disorders, which makes it difficult for them to complete a drug or alcohol treatment programme. New ...